February- 1960 The First Meeting was an open meeting at the Waxahachie District Court Room. the Speaker was H.T.B and was also attended by local law enforcement, Lawyers, District Attorneys, Judges, among others.
March 1st-1960 Group was registered with GSO.
Founded- First Meeting Place was a two story house at the corner of College and MacMillan that belonged to a local church. Founding members included George C., Frank S., Mitchell P,. Jimme B., and Ed. P.
First Meeting- Monday nights were the only meeting nights. Three Mondays were closed meetings, and the fourth was Speaker Night. This location was kept for three years.
Second Location- Downtown at the square. This location had no air conditioning and one very noisy fan so it was very hard to hear each other. It was also very hot in the summer. The group decided to move.
Third Location- Ferris Ave. across from Dairy Queen. Some teenagers in town enjoyed throwing rocks at the building during meetings so the meeting was moved again.
Fourth Location- Meeting was moved to a home of one of the members of the Ennis Group until that member returned to drinking.
Fifth Location- The Community Center in Ennis-At this point the group was able to actually hang up the 12 Steps and have a coffee pot for the meetings. They had to be put away after the meetings.
More Meetings- Some of the guys decided to take turns having meetings at their homes. The meetings were held on Thursday nights in Waxahachie.
Sixth Location- Eventually the meeting were moved back to the house at MacMillan and Collage. During the winter the pipes would freeze unless we wrapped the pipes. Being the alcoholics we are, the plumbing was usually allowed to freeze up. The 12 Steps and 12 Traditions were written on 12 X 18 pieces of card board and tacked up around the edge of the room. These had followed the group from place to place since 1960. At this time the group had a P.O. Box to receive it's mail.
Local Groups- Would attend each others meetings since there were so few members of each group. Waxahachie Monday Night, Terrell State Hospital Tuesday Night, Corsicana Wednesday Night, Cleburne Thursday Night. Meetings usually consisted of a Drunk-A-Log from various members. Having only one speaker at a meeting did not start until the 1970's. No big Book or Step Studies.
Seventh Location- A two story building on West Marvin. t was a great meeting place but the rent was too high! Each member had to put $3.00 each to pay the rent. One member, Elton S., did not like paying this much for rent.
Eighth Location- Elton S. was the member who arranged with the American Legion to allow the Waxahachie Group to meet here in it's present day location at 301 John Arden. Meeting were Monday and Friday nights.
Our Building- This building was brought to this location in approx. 1951. It was formerly an Army barracks. The Legion has been very generous to us through the years with very low rent and has supplied us with materials to repair the roof, add central air, paint the building, put down floors in the 1980's.
Dry Spell- During the 70's the group got down to 3 or 4 members.
1980's- More and more new comers started coming. More meeting were added to the schedule.
1990's- No more smoking meetings due to the insurance policies. This is when the porch roof was added to the back door area.
2002- Chris (the "Freight Train Wino") built our present podium.
2003- More Shall be revealed- "A DAY AT A TIME"
2015- Summer of 2015, spawned the idea of a Fellowship Pavilion for our smokers. All of the largest fund raising donors wee non-smokers. American Steel erected the pavilion Oct. 8, 2015
2020- On March 18 Fellowship suspended in person meetings and began virtual ZOOM meetings. When the building was opened in May, hybrid meetings (in-person and on-line simultaneously) began.